понедельник, 10 сентября 2007 г.

MidasMidas was the king

Auto Services - MidasWith over 50 years of experience, you can count on Midas to help keep your car safely on the road. Your car carries precious cargo. Midas understands how much that's really worth.Midas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMidas may refer to: *Midas, King of Pessinus, Phrygia *1981 Midas, asteroid *Midas formula, Black-Scholes financial-analysis formula * Midas list, Forbes Midas list of entrepreneurs * Midas, a core M I D A SSystem is offline. Summer II 2007 was the last semester that MIDAS was to be used for course delivery. MIDAS will not be available as of August 31, 2007.

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